Personal Wellness Lessons- High School

Sexuality education programs that are evidence-based, medically accurate, age appropriate, culturally sensitive, and comprehensive have been proven to help youth delay the onset of sexual activity, decrease the frequency of sexual activity, reduce the number of sexual partners, and increase condom and contraceptive use. These changes in behavior help prevent unintended pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted infections. 

- Colorado Youth Matter, an APS education partner

Resources for Positive Prevention Plus (PPP):

Teachers that are teaching Sexual Health lessons as a part of their Health Education in APS are required to attend the PPP curriculum training prior to teaching this unit in their classroomsFor more information on this, contact Jennifer Nassar, Health TOSA at

Best Practices Document- CYM

2022-2023  Lesson Guide (PowerPoints, Lesson Links and Accommodations)

Unit Post Test - make a copy, label it with your name and school and add as a collaborator for analysis and recording.
Example:  Jones - VPP- Prevention Plus Post Survey 22-23 School Year